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Lesson 9 Intellectual Property Writing Assignment

Lesson 9 Intellectual Property Writing Assignment

Q Analysis Find a current event or recent case newer than January 2020 which deals with copyright or trademark infringement in the music or entertainment industry, and write an analysis that addresses the following points: • Identify the background facts and the applicable intellectual property rights and related laws (copyright/trademark). • Explain how the law was applied or was used. • Provide your analysis of the situation: o Was the law useful and was it effectively and properly applied? o Was the result just and appropriate? Please carefully edit and refine your work prior to submission. Proper spelling and grammar are expected for the assignment. Outside Support Support your opinion and analysis with facts and, if possible, with expert opinions and commentary from a third party. • Cite at least one source outside of the course commentary, the course text, and your personal experience. • Credit your outside source by providing a full reference at the bottom of your response and by citing the source within the body of your submission as may be appropriate. Submit Assignment Click the Submit Assignment button. Upload your response in the File Upload tab. If you have difficulty with the file upload feature, you may also use the Text Entry tab to submit the assignment. Rubric Writing Assignment Rubric Writing Assignment Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Subject Matter 15 pts High quality, substantive written response that clearly and fully addresses the assignment instructions, expectations, and subject matter. 12 pts Submission adheres to assignment instructions, but may not make connections to the lesson or deviates slightly from assignment expectations or subject matter. 9 pts Submission examines assignment instructions, but makes limited connections to the lesson or deviates moderately from assignment expectations or subject matter. 6 pts Submission loosely addresses the assignment instructions and expectations, and/or does not make connections to the lesson or subject matter. 0 pts No Marks 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis 15 pts Correctly identifies and thoroughly, thoughtfully analyzes all relevant factors related to the assignment. 12 pts Identifies and thoughtfully analyzes most relevant factors related to the assignment. 9 pts Identifies and analyzes relevant factors related to the assignment, but there are some omissions in identification and/or analysis. 6 pts Failed to identify and/or analyze many relevant factors related to the assignment. 0 pts No Marks 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality and References 10 pts Organized, refined, and well-written submission that uses proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure expected of a college-level business student. Submission follows a logical flow and includes references to supporting course materials. External references are cited appropriately where utilized. 8 pts Consistently uses proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and logical flow with few exceptions. Submission includes references to supporting course materials, and outside sources are cited where utilized. 6 pts Submission includes minor issues with grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure, and/or issues with organization. Submission includes references to course materials, but lacks external citations where appropriate. 4 pts Submission includes several instances of improper grammar, punctuation and/or sentence structure and/or does not exhibit a logical flow. Submission alludes to sources generally but does not include any references or citations. 0 pts No Marks 10 pts Total Points: 40 PreviousNext

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The copyright infringement article I chose for this assignment is "Due Lipa being sued for Alleged copyright infringement over hit single Levitating." Due Lipa's song "Levitating" sounds very similar to "Live Your Life." So, they went to court in California to settle the dispute. The law was being applied (1) ownership of a valid copyright, and (2) copying of constituent elements that are original". Since the song sounded so familiar the "Live Your Life" the band wanted justice from Lipa for copying the rhythm and sound since they had it originally.